860 research outputs found

    Spontaneous melanotic lesions in axillary seabream, Pagellus acarne (Risso)

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    In this paper, we describe spontaneous melanotic lesions in the skin of axillary seabream, Pagellus acarne (Risso) from a defined area of the Portuguese Coast, located in Cabo da Roca and Foz do Arelho. The lesions corresponded to black pigmentation spots on the skin of the head, fins, lips and conjunctiva and, additionally, black nodules on the skin of the head and lips. In some specimens, the nodular formations in the head changed their anatomical conformation. Histologically, there were melanophores scattered along the basement membrane or forming aggregates in the dermis, infiltrating the subcutaneous tissue but not invading the adjacent muscle tissue. The aim of this study was to characterize the macroscopic and microscopic features of the pigmented lesions. These fish show sessile hyperpigmented lesions (spots) that correspond to proliferative lesions of melanophores in the dermis and nodular lesions that correspond to neoplastic lesions, melanophoromas. The melanophores in such lesions showed high concentration of melanin in the cytoplasm, moderate pleomorphism and compact distribution throughout all of the dermis

    Postural Control in Preschool Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder, in Sitting Position During a Functional Task

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    The developmental coordination disorder is a motor disorder that affects 5 to 6% of children at school-age. The postural control deficit is one of the most prevalent problems affecting 73 to 87% of these children. The present research aims to analyze and compare postural control in probable (p-DCD) and at- risk of developmental coordination disorder children and in typical children in a sitting position during a functional task. p-DCD children were tendentially less recurrent, less periodic, simpler and more regular. These children oscillated more and faster in conditions with visual information; with a visual focus they had more stability and oscillated less and slowler campared to the baseline; without visual information they reduced their oscillations and velocity and become less recurrent, periodic, stable and simpler, possibly freenzing more degrees of freedom in order to respond to absence of external information. p-DCD seem to be more dependent on external stimulus like visual information to auto organize their own balance. The greater the task’s complexity, the lesser and slower their oscillations were but also more recurrent and periodic. Despite oscillating, more and faster in all conditions and being tendentially more recurrent and periodic, in risk children revealed a behaviour pattern similar to typical in both variables. p-DCD, at-risk and typical children reveal the same manner of action without visual information, less and slower oscillations. Most likely, the problem with p-DCD is not in motor control, but on perception-action cycles’ effectivness; and, where stimulation must be focused.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A odisseia da transformação do Direito da Família (1974-2010): um contributo da Sociologia Política do Direito

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    A odisseia da transformação e da regulação jurídica da família em Portugal segue as tendências europeias, tendo, contudo, começado o seu percurso mais tardiamente, designadamente após 25 de abril de 1974. No presente texto, analisamos, desde 1974 até 2010, as relações entre a transformação socioeconómica das famílias portuguesas e as mudanças e opções políticas dominantes nestas matérias, bem como as decorrentes mutações no Direito da Família ocorridas em Portugal. E concluímos que a vontade de mudança política e as ações político-institucionais são aceleradoras da transformação do Direito da Família, mais do que as mutações das famílias

    Cultura, diversidade e desconstrução de preconceitos nas escolas

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    Objective. This research paper is aimed at identifying and analyzing relevant aspects concerning concepts as well as cultural and pedagogical practices related to the intended deconstruction of prejudices proposed by a project in the context of a public elementary school. Method. Participant observation procedures were adopted to investigate activities related to the project and semi-structured individual interviews were conducted with six educators. Furthermore, one focus group session was conducted with a class of 25 students in the 9th grade. Results. indicated successful work to achieve the intended objectives, as well as aspects that were obstacles. It was concluded that lectures are not enough to address sensitive issues linked to the deconstruction of prejudices, for educators’ deep affective-laden values and beliefs can negatively interfere with their dialogical dispositions towards students. Conclusion. We claim that dialogical practices are crucial to help deconstruct prejudices and develop constructive relations among everyone, as they may work to foster social justice and democracy within schools and beyond.Objective. This research paper is aimed at identifying and analyzing relevant aspects concerning concepts as well as cultural and pedagogical practices related to the intended deconstruction of prejudices proposed by a project in the context of a public elementary school. Method. Participant observation procedures were adopted to investigate activities related to the project and semi-structured individual interviews were conducted with six educators. Furthermore, one focus group session was conducted with a class of 25 students in the 9th grade. Results. indicated successful work to achieve the intended objectives, as well as aspects that were obstacles. It was concluded that lectures are not enough to address sensitive issues linked to the deconstruction of prejudices, for educators’ deep affective-laden values and beliefs can negatively interfere with their dialogical dispositions towards students. Conclusion. We claim that dialogical practices are crucial to help deconstruct prejudices and develop constructive relations among everyone, as they may work to foster social justice and democracy within schools and beyond.Escopo. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi identificar e analisar aspectos relevantes de conceitos, práticas culturais e pedagógicas relacionadas à desconstrução de preconceitos propostos por um projeto em uma escola. Metodologia. Adotaram-se procedimentos de observação participante para pesquisar as atividades relacionadas ao projeto e entrevistas individuais semiestruturadas com seis professores. Além disso, foi realizada uma sessão de grupo focal com uma turma de 25 alunos. Resultados. Os resultados indicaram um trabalho bem-sucedido para alcançar os objetivos planejados, bem como aspectos que os impediram. Concluiu-se que as palestras não são suficientes para abordar questões delicadas relacionadas à desconstrução de preconceitos, uma vez que os valores e crenças carregados afetivamente dos professores podem interferir negativamente em suas disposições dialógicas para com os estudantes. Conclusão. Afirmamos que as práticas dialógicas são fundamentais para ajudar a desconstruir preconceitos e desenvolver relações construtivas entre todos, pois podem promover a justiça social e a democracia

    The role of stiffness in the proliferation of brain tumors

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    In this paper we present a mathematical model to describe the evolution of glioma cells taking into account the viscoelastic properties of brain tissue. A theoretical stability analysis gives information to design protocols which efficiency is illustrated by a number of numerical simulations

    Efficient protocols to control glioma growth

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    In this paper we consider a mathematical model to describe glioma evolution. The model is established combining the viscoelastic behaviour of the brain tissue with a mass conservation law that takes into account the effect of chemotherapy. For the non Fickian model we establish an upper bound for the tumor mass that leads to a sufficient condition to control tumor growth. Based on the theoretical upper bound, protocol for chemotherapy treatment are proposed. Numerical experiments are included to illustrate the behaviour of the model as well as the efficiency of the presented protocols

    SMOTE for regression

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    Several real world prediction problems involve forecasting rare values of a target variable. When this variable is nominal we have a problem of class imbalance that was already studied thoroughly within machine learning. For regression tasks, where the target variable is continuous, few works exist addressing this type of problem. Still, important application areas involve forecasting rare extreme values of a continuous target variable. This paper describes a contribution to this type of tasks. Namely, we propose to address such tasks by sampling approaches. These approaches change the distribution of the given training data set to decrease the problem of imbalance between the rare target cases and the most frequent ones. We present a modification of the well-known Smote algorithm that allows its use on these regression tasks. In an extensive set of experiments we provide empirical evidence for the superiority of our proposals for these particular regression tasks. The proposed SmoteR method can be used with any existing regression algorithm turning it into a general tool for addressing problems of forecasting rare extreme values of a continuous target variable

    Estágio na empresa Raji Sociedade Comercial de Confeções, Lda. : “Portfólio- divulgação dos produtos de uma confeção de vestuário”

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    O presente relatório consiste na exposição dos projetos realizados ao longo de um período de nove meses de estágio, na empresa têxtil Raji - Sociedade Comercial de Confeções, Lda., sediada em Castelo Branco, especializada em vestuário de criança, mulher e homem, design de uniformes escolares e vestuário exterior. Este relatório está dividido em três capítulos. No primeiro são descritos os objetivos gerais e específicos assim como os benefícios e a metodologia de investigação adotada. É ainda estabelecido o contexto histórico e de investigação da indústria de vestuário, o tipo de empresas e portfólios, dando assim resposta à questão da investigação. O segundo versa a exposição das experiências e projetos em contexto de estágio na empresa Raji. O terceiro capítulo foca um projeto de criação de portfólio, em formato físico e digital (PDF), para facilitar a comunicação da empresa com os clientes. Ao longo do estágio foi possível aplicar os conhecimentos adquiridos durante a formação académica numa experiência a nível profissional, mas também adquirir novas competências teóricas e práticas. A realização deste relatório assentou em metodologias mistas de base não-intervencionista e intervencionista, tendo incluído técnicas de observação direta, através de pesquisa e realização dos projetos práticos propostos ao longo do estágio. O estágio foi uma experiência fundamental que contribuiu para a realização de um projeto de desenvolvimento do portfólio, assim como para a reflexão da sua importância no ambiente empresarial e como o mesmo pode contribuir para a divulgação dos produtos de uma confeção de vestuário. Este estudo veio complementar a formação e possibilitar um contributo da estagiária para com a empresa.Abstract : This report consists of the exhibition of the projects conducted over a period of nine months of internship, in the textile company Raji - Sociedade Comercial de Confeções, Lda., based in Castelo Branco, specialized in children's clothing, women and men, design of school uniforms and outdoor clothing. This report is divided into three chapters. In the first are described the geriatric and specific aims as well as the benefits and the research method adopted. It is made the historical and research context of the garment industry, the type of companies and portfolios, thus responding to the question of research. The second in the exhibition of experiences and projects in internship context at Raji company. The third chapter focuses on a portfolio creation project, in physical and digital format (PDF), to help the company's communication with customers. Throughout the internship it was possible to apply the knowledge got during academic training in a professional experience, but also getting new theoretical and practical skills. The method applied in the realization of this report were mixed methodologies of noninterventionist and interventionist basis and applied techniques of direct observation through research and realization of practical projects proposed throughout the internship. The internship was a fundamental experience that contributed to the realization of a portfolio development project, and reflection of its importance in the business environment and how it can contribute to the dissemination of the products of a clothing confection. This study complemented the training and contributed to the company